Sound Bites 2021
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 (7:00 PM - 9:00 PM) (EST)
The annual learning, meeting, and mingling event of the Massachusetts Broadcasters Association.
November 10
Sales (Nov. 11 11AM) - Reinvent Your Sales! They Can Beat You on Price, But Not on Your Value!
Sales and marketing have changed forever. They will never be the same again due to the pandemic and the ripple effect on small businesses. Customers who focus on the price have not been sold on the value to them. The methods that worked for you in the past are probably obsolete in today’s business world and digital environment. Once you allow the buyer to negotiate the price, you have lost leverage (and the sale!).
When buyers perceive your value, you control the discussion (and the sale).
People buy the benefits of services. The instruction and dialogue help you gain a competitive advantage by improving the effectiveness of sales calls. Jim shares effective cold-call scripts and offers enhancements to veteran and novice account executives. Through fun stories, real-world examples, interactive questions and methods you will learn actionable skills to become a better presenter-seller and encourage value-based sales. Insights gained are used to: reinvent marketing strategies, increase client receptivity, improve presentations, communicate value, and close more sales.
- Why should I (or anyone) buy from you?
- What sets you apart in your sales and approaches to clients?
- How can you ask better questions, listen more to clients’ needs, and add better value?
- What is the difference between features and benefits? And how do they add up to value?
What’s in it for you? Sell value at higher profits consistently.
Programming/On-Air/Promotions - Engagement is the Social Media Metric That Matters
Content has two main goals: Capturing Attention & Converting That Attention Into Action.
Engagement is the tell-tale sign from the audience that your content is accomplishing one or the other.
On November 10 at 11AM, social media expert Lori Lewis digs deeper into why engagement, not the number of fans (or even reach) matters most.
You'll learn about:
LOOKING LOST: Without engagement - we’re like a ghost ship - floating around the social space; no one manning the ship, no one caring about our ship. And that never ends well.
LONGEVITY: The longer someone spends engaging with our content (viewing, reading, commenting…), the more the content's life is extended, opening more opportunities.
LEVERAGE: Healthy interaction contributes to greater influence in the social space. The more interested we appear to be in the audience, the more interested they become in us - through action.
Register for "Engagement is the Social Media Metric That Matters
MBA Annual Meeting
The Massachusetts Broadcasters Association will hold the annual business meeting of its members on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 6:30PM EST via Zoom.
Items that will be discussed and/or voted on include:
- An association update
- Approval of the 2020 MBA Annual Meeting Minutes
- Ratification of the actions of the Board of Directors
- Approval of the 2021-2022 slate of directors and officers
Registration for the Annual Meeting can be found HERE.
Guests and Speakers
- MBA - Jordan Walton, Executive Director
- Beasley Media - Mary Menna, Vice President and Market Manager/ MBA Chair
- MA Army National Guard
- National Association of Broadcasters - Curtis LeGeyt, Chief Operating Officer
- Federal Communications Commission - Nathan Simington, Commissioner
- Lainey Dionne, BMI Songwriter
Sound Bites 2021 will again recognize the best in Massachsuetts radio and over-the-air television with the Sound Bites Awards. The MBA will release the winners of the following awards from November 8 through the morning of November 10.